Reviews - During the year 1999, a man named Thomas Anderson (also known as Neo), lives an ordinary life. A software techie by day and a computer hacker by night, he sits alone at home by his monitor, waiting for a sign, a signal - from what or whom he doesn't know - until one night, a mysterious woman named Trinity seeks him out and introduces him to that faceless character he has been waiting for: Morpheus. A messiah of sorts, Morpheus presents Neo with the truth about his world by shedding light on the dark secrets that have troubled him for so long
Release Year - 1999
Tomatometer - 9,6 / 10 star
Liked It - 1601707 vote
country - USA
A very important message, You are what you imagine" delivered in a slick and a little too reckless format. Kung Fu can never be delivered in too large of a portion. Guns on the other hand? I thought the gun orgy was the EASIEST vein to slap upon. Firearms have a purpose in any democratic society. I hate to see them portrayed as an endless wave of percussion on which a hero surfs (as in Kowabunga. For a movie that danced so well with the the intangible issue of free will, the producers dumped the SWAT shootout into the script like a truck load of boulders. It was like watching a quality comedian start making penis jokes and using the 'F' word; You kind of flinch and wonder why they went for the cheap laugh.
This is a good movie that went for the cheap thrills with the gun battle.
8 out of 10. It would have been a 10 without the big shootout.